Geelong's premiere skin clinic Geelong's premiere skin clinic offering everything from Specialist Skin GP consults to Cosmetic Enhancements.

Cosmetic Injectables: What you need to know.

Cosmetic Injectables: What you need to know.

This graphic explains the complex and ⁠intricate arterial and venous (vein) system within the face.⁠

Luminosity Skin face system cosmetic injectables botox filler lips
When considering where to go for your cosmetic injectable treatments, we implore you to consider the risks involved, especially when presenting to an injector/clinic without the proper training and medical protocol. ⁠

Vascular complications are not uncommon during the administration of anti-wrinkle and filler injections. If dermal filler gets injected directly into an artery it can either act as a direct blockage, or travel upstream and cause further blockages within the arterial system.⁠

Blocking arterial blood supply leads to inadequate oxygenation to the tissue, such as the skin or in worse case scenario the retina of the eye or the brain. Lack of oxygen means the tissue cannot survive leading to tissue death or necrosis. ⁠

Necrosis of the skin and blindness are two most feared complications with dermal filler injections. The risk is very real but can be mitigated through correct injection techniques, anatomical knowledge, product choice, use of certain tools (needle v cannula) in high risk areas, knowing the symptoms and signs as well as thorough emergency protocols and training. ⁠

The complexity when it comes to administrating these types of treatments is clear, and not something we take lightly at Luminosity. We have a Doctor on premises who will ensure health and safety levels are upheld, as well as our nurse injectors who have a profound understanding of anatomy and product their using. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
It's not uncommon for a new client to present to us, asking to repair damage done from an injectable treatment gone wrong. Cut out the risk and come seek advice and treatment from the authority in cosmetic-injectables in Geelong.⁠

Appointments with our Master Injectors available here.

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Why do I need a professional Skin Check?

Why do I need a professional Skin Check?

Nothing looks better in your 50s than sunscreen in your twenties.

Living in Australia, a country with one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, it is important to have regular skin checks by a professional. But how often is often enough? And at what age should you start getting checked?
While the ageing population are at a higher risk of developing all types of cancer, skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among adolescents and young adults. Therefore, regardless of your age, it’s important to regularly check your skin.

The Cancer Council recommends adults should check their own skin and moles every 3 months.
If you’re concerned about your skin cancer risk or notice anything on your skin that’s changed in size, shape or colour, book an appointment to see a GP straight away.

Dr Kath Reynolds specialises in Skin and Mole Analysis and recommends an annual visit to ensure all is being cared for.

With the four main skin cancers & disorders, Melanoma's, Basal Cell, Squamous Cell Carcinomas and the highly active Solar Keratoses being treated more than ever, today we cant express enough the importance of a reliable practitioner to complete your Skin Health Check.

The sun is the biggest contributor for advanced ageing, pigmentation, rosacea and skin sensitivities.

At Luminosity Skin we focus on Skin Health, we recommend PREVENTION with the use of a broad spectrum sunscreen, active skincare to encourage good skin health and the option for treatment to help stabilise active signs of sun-damage. 

Below is a wonderful video that shows how important sunscreen application is.

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Skin Needling, Your Ultimate Winter Skin Saviour

Skin Needling, Your Ultimate Winter Skin Saviour

Do you have an unsightly scar or large open pores that you absolutely hate? Maybe it’s from acne, maybe from surgery or a nasty burn?

dermapem geelong clinic skin needling

We're here to tell you, Dermapen is the answer.

Dermapen is the micro needling therapy system that allows the skin to naturally stimulate collagen and elastin with minimal epidermal damage. Dermapen is safer and more effective in piercing the skin than traditional skin micro needling rollers due to its unique vertical micro needling technology. It has a superior effect on collagen and elastin rejuvenation. Active ingredients are directly supplied to the deeper layers of the skin with less pain and downtime for the patient. This treatment can effectively get to hard-to-reach places such as around the eyes, nose, and lips. Because of the vertical delivery, the needles can easily penetrate scar tissue and help lighten and brighten the affected area. 

Dermapen promotes scar-less healing and natural collagen reproduction, similar to fractional laser treatments, IPL, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels.

The mechanism of injury is a natural process, which makes Dermapen a holistic approach to skin therapy. You'll leave this treatment will reduced pore size, as well as an improved quality and texture of your skin.

Learn more here. 

Book today for a Dermapen Treatment on 5221 7676 or book online. 

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An Exciting Update to Luminosity Skin

An Exciting Update to Luminosity Skin

Introducing Geelong's leading Boutique Injectables Clinic, Luminosity.

luminosity skin and laser

It's no doubt that the last couple of months have been an especially challenging time. Challenges felt by most within our industry and community. ⁠⠀
With the launch of our second clinic 
skinMD in February, we had absolutely no plans of slowing down..⁠⠀
With COVID-19 came the luxury of pushing the brakes, and the luxury of reflection. We have used this time to take a step back and look at our business holistically, why we love it and aspirations for the future.⁠⠀
Now coming into the recovery phase, we feel more connected, stronger and more purposeful with where we see Luminosity and skinMD moving forward. ⁠⠀
We wanted to let our amazing community know that we are not only back better than ever, but have some very exciting changes to come..
As of Monday 21st June, Luminosity will become Geelong's leading boutique injectables clinic, specialising only in 
anti-wrinkle and dermal filler injections.
SkinMD will now be the hub for all of our other skin treatments, such as laser and peels. 

A total focus on all things injectables means our team will be the authority when it comes to preserving the youth of your skin.

At Luminosity it is our ethos to preserve the natural beauty of the face, and to not alter it. Our master injectors pride themselves on natural results and a stress-free, safe journey under the direction of Medical Director, Dr Kath Reynolds.

If you've been considering having a conversation about how an anti-wrinkle or cosmetic filler treatment could help your skin concerns, please book a consultation here, or get in touch on (03) 5221 7676.


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Katrina, our Registered Nurse and Master Injector

Katrina, our Registered Nurse and Master Injector

Meet Katrina, our DIV 1 Nurse and Master Injector here at Luminosity Skin.

Working at Barwon health in theatre as well as spending the past 6 years with a plastic surgeon, Kat is an expert when it comes to medical grade treatments.

Priding herself on natural results and a conservative approach to slowing down the skins signs of ageing, we are very lucky to have Kat treating with us Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. ⁠

When asked how she felt about Luminosity becoming an injectables-only clinic, Kat replied...⁠

"At luminosity I am excited to use all my knowledge of the progression of ageing and the best facial rejuvenation to tailor an individualised plan for my clients.⁠

I pride myself on honesty which allows me to create natural and achievable results.⁠ I love listening to my clients concerns regarding the negative impacts of ageing and educating them on why they feel this way and what we can do to refresh their appearance⁠

I love the rapport I have with my clients as facial rejuvenation is a journey that doesn’t need to be scary or overwhelming" - Katrina

If you've been thinking about coming in for an injectables consultation, now is the perfect time to do so.⁠ 
Book an appointment with Katrina online today. 


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