skinMD™ Clinic combined with Luminosity Skin is proud to announce our new Skin Cancer Detection Clinic hosted Dr Kath Reynolds a Specialist GP

Dr Kath Reynolds

skinMD™ Clinic Geelong specialises in detection of skin cancers, education on treatment and prevention of skin cancers, skin diagnosis and mole checks.

Dr Kath Reynolds (BMedSci,MBBS, FRACGP, MPH & Trop, Med) has a special interest in skin conditions and has been treating for over 20 years.

We are dedicated to exceptional skin cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and education. A holistic and integrated clinical-pathologic approach is vital for the most efficient treatment of skin cancer in individual patients.

Dr Kath Reynolds (BMedSci,MBBS, FRACGP, MPH & Trop, Med) treats and manages:

  • Skin lesion assessment
  • Skin and mole checks
  • Rosacea
  • Sensitive skin disorders
  • Dermatitis, Psorasis 
  • Pigmentation assessment
  • Acne management
  • Assessment of skin disorders and hormonal imbalances
  • Topical prescriptions for skin
  • Referrals to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon
  • Assessment for injectable treatments

NO REFERRAL NEEDED. This practice does not Bulk Bill.

A consultation starts at $180 and Medicare rebates apply.

Uniquely, we offer personal and uncomplicated information and an abundance of educational materials to our patients and the local community. Privacy is respected with examinations conducted with the patient in their underwear.

Skin in the breast, genital, and buttock areas is not routinely examined, however skin cancers can occur in theses regions and any suspicious lesions should be examined by the doctor.

Treatment will usually be carried out at the time of consultation e.g. biopsy, or perhaps cryotherapy for sunspots. Surgical excisions, however, will usually be scheduled for a separate appointment.

"Leyton" 224 Moorabool st Geelong



Payment is required at the time of all appointments with Dr Kath Reynolds. Medicare rebate applies for Skin Doctor consultation only (not rebatable on other products and services).


"Having been through two life threatening episodes in the last sixteen years myself, and my family, have met so many caring, dedicated and friendly healthcare professionals. Having met, and being treated Dr. Kath, at Luminosity, I could not recommend and admire a healthcare professional more for her beautiful and caring manner that made me feel at ease after other more negative results. My need to seek treatment for a skin condition led me to one major franchise that focused mainly on selling expensive product on EVERY visit as a condition of ongoing treatment. This did not happen at Luminosity. The support staff at Luminosity are fantastic and recognise the sensitivities that people suffering facial skin disorders have."